first script :
- to make backup cronjob using mysqldump console command :
script to make backup
mysqldump -h your_ip_address_or_domain -u database_username -p'yourpassword' database_name > /home/stiepanc/public_html/database_backup/db-backup-$(/bin/date +\%d\%m\%Y).sql
- cron job to run automatic query to remove 10 days old files :
script to make automatic remove 10 days old file, make this with cron job
<?php $folderName = '/home/stiepanc/public_html/database_backup'; if (file_exists($folderName)) { foreach (new DirectoryIterator($folderName) as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDot()) { echo 'nothing to delete '; continue; } if (time() - $fileInfo->getCTime() >= 60 * 60 * 24 * 10) { // 10 days unlink($fileInfo->getRealPath()); echo 'delete process'; } } } ?>